We are often asked about plants and Maine Coons, even if your pet remains indoors, which unless you have a secure outdoor environment is by far the safest and most sensible lifestyle for your companion pet, so I have compiled a list of the most common indoor/outdoor plants that could be a danger :-
Indoor Plants - Arum Lily, Castor Oil Plant, Christmas Cherry, Cyclamen, Dieffendachia, Monstera Deliciosa, Poinsettia, Spotted Dumb Cane
Outdoor Plants - Azalea, Bird of Paradise Plant, Black Nightshade, Buttercup, Clematis, Christmas Rose, Cornflower, Crown Imperial, Delphinium, Foxglove, Hydrangea, Ivy, Laburnum, Lily of the Valley, Lupin, Mistletoe, Mock Orange, Narcissus, Oleander, Pasque Flower, Philodendron, Primrose, Rhododendron, Savin, Sea Squill, Sweet Pea, Yew
If you use slug pellets chose pet/child friendly ones and obviously keep house and garden ‘chemicals’ away from your pet - having a Maine Coon is rather like having a permanent toddler !